11:47 AM

Yo yo! Great news for you, my sexy people: one of my fave body care companies, Morrocco Method, is doing a giveaway for This Rawsome Vegan Life! You can win a box of their awesome shampoo! It's 100% cruelty-free and made with organic and wildcrafted ingredients. I love how rich it makes my hair feel, and it's super gentle and natural so it's a good option for those with sensitive hair. In fact, they were one of the first companies who ever contacted me for a product review. Check out that review here, but please ignore my ugly amateur photos and super grammatically incorrect prose... I was a newb, okay!? I still am, in so many ways. Anyways: this company is the bomb dot com, and their products are rad! Check 'em out and enter the giveaway below for your chance to win some top quality hair care products. x

UPDATE: congrats to Craig in the US who the won the shampoo gift set!

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